Tyrone Brennand has announced his new mentees for the Be The Fittest mentorship programme 2023 sponsored by Reebok. Tyrone has chosen 7 people in the UK out of hundreds of applications to participate in the programme where you will learn everything to start and boost your career or business within the health and fitness industry all for free. It will consist of 4 full day workshops which will consist of guest speakers and covering a range of topics from marketing to taxes and each mentee will get one to one mentoring with Tyrone Brennand for one whole year between each workshop. Below are the new mentees:

Kate an infectious energy and lives & breathes fitness. Kate has an outstanding passion in motivating individuals in finding inner happiness mind & body and building self-confidence and resilience.
Transitioning into the Fitness industry after the pandemic, Kate moved straight from this into Soho House White City gym then onto her permanent position now at London’s leading exclusive gym BXR LONDON.
Taking the industry by storm she is their elite versa climbing / strength instructor. She believes in giving her everything and every bit of energy into these sessions earning rising start of 2022 in just one year of her journey.
Kate has a huge passion for mental health and has created her own business. This is surrounding in bringing mental health to the forefront combining music and of course fitness called MIND HOUSE. This is a growing community of like-minded individuals who want to push past their limitations and connect with themselves and others through exclusive sessions & events.

Humbled by addiction, and all the darkness that comes with it, has given me the unique perspective and opportunity to mentor, lead and inspire. I can point to a few key figures who have pulled me through these tough times, and I’m determined to be for my clients what they were for me. I now work for charities helping young kids but want to start my own projects to help people in my community using my counselling qualification skills alongside my Personal training level 2 and 3 combined.
Oscar Yoga
As a young man I was involved in a lot of negative behavior. I got attracted to the fast life and led a life without much positivity, lack of direction and only cared about myself. I partied a lot, had poor dietary habits, was involved in drugs, had a non existent sleeping pattern and no real passions or interests. When I was slightly younger I thought this style of life would make me happy but after some years I realised my life was completely empty and depleted of any real substance. When I was 22 a couple incidents changed my life and forced me to sit back and reevaluate. I was fairly far down the wrong path but knew I still had time to pull myself out of it and make big changes. I decided to try my first yoga class in 2014. I remember drinking tea after the class in the community area of the studio and having a feeling of contentment I hadn’t felt in a long time and was completely sober. ‘There’s something to this’ I thought to myself.
I started practicing yoga regularly and giving up my nights of partying because I knew it would stop me from going to practice yoga the following morning. My health improved. Not only physically but mentally and emotionally. My relationships improved, I could communicate my feelings more clearly and I realised I was more enjoyable to be around. Looking back, the life I was living was destroying my spirit and soul. I know it’s cliche but yoga saved my life. Without it I don’t know where I’d be. It taught me how to be disciplined, accepting and to be good to people. Before, I used to always feel people wanted something from me but at the yoga studio people just wanted to be nice without anything in return. In 2016 I decided to take my first yoga teacher training and from then on it’s led me down not only positive but an enriching path. Meeting people I’d never met in my past who want to make a real positive impact in the world. Soon after beginning yoga I started to train at the gym and gained my personal training diploma several months after finishing my first yoga teacher training. I feel gym and yoga are a fantastic combination.
I love sharing the teachings of yoga with people and being able to spread and inspire positivity in the world. There’s a lot of darkness out there but yoga has shown me there’s also a lot of light and it’s a pleasure for me to shine a bit into people’s day and help them become a better version of themselves.
Christian Coker
A Fitness and Lifestyle Coach with a drive to help people get from where they are to where they want to be. I’ve been working in the fitness industry since 2005. Possessing over a decade of experience in helping people from all walks of life achieve success, has enabled me to build a reputation of excellence. I believe that we are what we repeatedly do, and that we are a sum total of the habits we have constructed. Success therefore is within reach if we will commit to building healthy habits. I aim to help people do this by challenging them physically and mentally to become all they can be. It is my firm belief that EXLence is the habit of champions, and that with a bit of direction, motivation & willpower we can all achieve greatness.
In 2003 I was arrested whilst in high school in Florida, for grand theft auto.
2013 my Father passed away… Soon after my older brother passed away.
2015 I called off an engagement.
2016 one of my dearest friends transitioned.
2019 I had a severe mental health breakdown, ending up on a hospital bed scarred, stressed, anxious and depressed.
2023 I have two beautiful children, an amazing and supportive partner. A praying and loving mother who has always been there. Two strong brothers who have gifted confidence to last a lifetime. And I have, life.
That is my dream and desire to pass on to others. My mantra is Champions Overcome Battles with Resilience and Awareness. This is the way of the COBRA. Working with clients for the past 15 years has helped shaped my character and help many individuals becoming better versions of themselves. My own struggles in life spurred me on to keep fighting and in the face of adversity not give up. We are all facing a tough time at present with shifts in all markets. I would love to sharpen my bow and gain new insights from Ty to help propel my business to the next level.

Losing my mother at a very young age of 13, I became numb & got myself hanging about the estate with the wrong type of people which lead to many run ins with the law.
“There’s a saying if you can’t hear you will feel” I always Heard whist growing up & I definitely had to feel the hard way to turn my life around.
After losing my father to leukaemia, decided this lifestyle wasn’t for me & a great example which I didn’t have for my younger siblings growing up & didn’t want them to follow in my lead.
Starting working in Mentoring & Youth offendening teams helping the youth combating the everyday obstacles in life.
Always been very active throughout my whole life playing run outs, knock down ginger, football. I finally decided to take the jump & became a Fitness consultant for Fitness First. After a year of teaching classes & PT I built up a huge portfolio which lead up to this day. I had the opportunity of being head hunted for one of the leading Fitness boutiques in London 1Rebel & also had a pleasure working at many other studios.

Kerry Mccarthy
With all the advantages that being a health and fitness journalist for 15 years brings in terms of access to experts, the best PTs and gyms, gear, events and everything else – it should have been a no-brainer that I was super-fit. And yet this turned out not to be the case. I would frequently engage in what i called ‘doing a Ricky Hatton’ – training like a demon to get fit for whatever the event was, doing the thing – and then applying myself to the booze and pies afterwards with just as much dedication. It took me quite some time to realise that my decade-long struggle with poor mental health (culminating in a complete nervous breakdown in early 2021) was inextricably woven into this cycle of boom and bust.
At the same time, when someone very dear to me waved away all offers of help with their Type 2 diabetes, saying: ‘I know what i need to do Kerry, I just need to do it’ the penny dropped for me. Of course if it WERE that simple, we wouldn’t have a worsening global obesity, health and mental health crisis. I became a keen student of the mind/body connection; personal growth; the idea that physical exercise, mental health, and general wellbeing are not to be approached in separate silos but all as one. Midlife people such as myself are incredibly underserved and yet we are the ones with the financial worries, kids, stressful careers, unprocessed childhood trauma, ageing parents, ageing bodies, crap sleep, little spare time…to name just a few of the potential impediments to true wellbeing. If all that doesn’t add up to a recipe for deep-rooted self sabotage and low self-worth, I don’t know what does.
Thankfully there seems to be a growing awareness that what got us here (surviving) won’t get us there (thriving), and that things need to change. I want to use my own very hard-won experience (both professionally and personally) to help people in that midlife bracket of roughly 40-65 years old to claim back their birthright of true, sustainable good health and contentment.